I got a lot of comment last month regarding “Ecoglo Equivalent” products and I was reminded of an “Ecoglo Equivalent” sample that was sent to us last year. The sample was for a step nosing that was being proposed for Perth Stadium as an alternative.
Take a look at the photo of the sample taken last week, the sample has been sitting on a shelf in my office completely protected from any weather. I don’t know if this product was finally installed in Perth Stadium but let’s hope not.
The most frustrating thing is that products like these are made to look like Ecoglo and when they fail it impacts on our brand. We’ve had exactly this problem at AAMI Park in Melbourne, an Ecoglo look-a-like gets installed and very quickly starts delaminating, not great.
After the “no comment” wall went up from the building contractor at Perth Stadium we tried to advise the responsible government department and the building surveyor of our concerns relating to the “Ecoglo Equivalent” product’s durability and also shortcomings with the luminance testing. We had no response – I suppose just too hard for them to deal with!